
The idea of Evening Mates, or eMates, came from the futuristic romantic comedy, 2050. This is where our  beautiful Sophia was born. In the film, she is one of many customized robots designed to look, sound, and  behave like a real person. These eMates are manufactured and sold by a company named Butterfly Chasers,  which fronts as a bar and lounge, but acts more like an escort service underground. 

The story explores the relationships that humans have with technology when people are given the chance to  design their perfect mate, physical features and personality traits included. With AI and robotic technology  advancing so rapidly, many believe we are not far from seeing this fantasy turned into reality. How would you  customize your ideal mate? What would she sound like? What would you talk about? How would she please you in the bedroom?  

Never before have we been closer to living out our imaginations. Our evening mate, Sophia, represents the first  generation of intellectual robotic companionship designed to please you in every way. She is a partner you can  rely on for endless pleasure. From award-winning feature film to delivery at your front door. Sophia is no longer  merely a fictional character. She's ready to live out your fantasies.